Your first steps into the world of Sussex House...

Boys are accepted from the age of eight and only later if there is a place available. They may be registered at any age, but the closing date for registration is the end of October prior to September entry. There is a registration fee of £200.

Currently, 36 places are available at 8+

Sussex House is, above all, a tight knit community, representing the epitome of a dynamic and caring social setting. Even after having arrived three years later than the rest of my classmates, I was welcomed with a sense of warmth that I shall never forget. 
- Jai S, 6th former

The Process

  • Entrance Examinations are held every year in January
  • 2022 examinations will be held on Tuesday, 11th January
  • Boys spend half a day at the school where they have an interview and take an exam composed of English, Mathematics and Verbal Reasoning
  • A good standard of English is required for the examination - while there is no provision of teaching English as a second language, individual tuition will be provided where necessary
  • We will request and consider a report from the candidate's current school
Familiarisation with the School
  • A Proespective Parent's Evening will take place on Thursday, 7th October
  • A Tea and Tour will be held for prospective candidates on Tuesday, 5th October
  • Further details are available upon request from the Director of Admissions
When I came into Sussex House, I made friends with my classmates immediately and the teachers especially tried their best to make everyone feel welcome.
- Hawkie F, 6th former