Our vision

an internationally acclaimed school.

Aims and Ethos
At Sussex House we aim to create an inspirational environment in where there is a sense of striving for learning, creativity and sporting achievement and in which pupils can feel a strong sense of ‘belonging’ and personal involvement

The atmosphere is traditional yet highly imaginative and the splendid architectural setting enhances the sense of a family within a house. It is our duty to meet the needs of the boys, whatever those needs may be. 

We seek to discern ability and talent and provide opportunities for its unhindered development. The school has a Church of England affiliation and the central tenets of its Christian ethos provide a moral fibre. 

Our aim is to achieve outstanding Common Entrance and Scholarship entry to the country’s most demanding senior schools whilst never letting the striving for success lead to over-intensity or a set of value judgements only based on a boy’s academic profile. Boys should feel happy with themselves, happy with each other and happy with the staff. They often feel a reluctance to leave and maintain a strong attachment to the school after they leave. 

The school motto is, aptly, 
‘Lead me to the rock that is Higher than I’. (Psalm 61)   


Sussex House is an I.A.P.S. Boys’ Preparatory School of 180 pupils. 

Founded in 1952 and, since 1994, it has been an independent charitable trust. Sussex House’s charitable status profoundly influences its priorities. Not dominated by any personal profit motive, it firmly maintains its size of 180 boys and 21 full-time staff, backed up by a team of visiting sports coaches and music staff. 

It is situated in the heart of Chelsea in a finely restored Norman Shaw house, one of the finest houses in Cadogan Square. The Nicholls Hall, a converted mission hall in Cadogan Street, houses the Music School and the Gymnasium.

Sussex House has a Church of England affiliation and the central tenets of its Christian ethos are important to us. We have a school chaplain and the church of St. Simon Zelotes which is very close to the school, is our school chapel. Boys of all faiths and denominations (and none) are welcomed.

Want to learn more?

We host many events throughout the year to support our pupils.