Nicholas Kaye

M.A., A.C.P., F.R.S.A., F.R.G.S., Magdalene, Cambridge

Nicholas Kaye read English at Magdalene, Cambridge. He undertook music research at the City University and has a Diploma in Religious Education. He became Headmaster of Sussex House in 1994, having been Deputy since 1986. Shortly before taking over he initiated a buy-out from the trust which had previously owned the school as part of a group and set up an independent charitable trust for Sussex House. This new era in the school’s life was accompanied by major restoration of the house, considerable enhancement of facilities and the appointment of new staff to key positions. He teaches all boys in the top three years of the school, conveying something of his passion for English literature and for creative writing. He is Form master of one of the sixth forms and runs a vibrant Architecture Club, involving architectural tours in London and beyond. The Headmaster plays a major role in the spiritual life of the school, leading assemblies, preaching at school services and running a group of talks by visiting speakers. He has written a series of plays and directs an annual sixth form production. He has undertaken research into late 19th century and early 20th century French composers, has written a series of articles for The New Groves and conducted orchestral and choral works as Musical Director of the St. Mary Magdalene Music Society based in Little Venice. Boys regularly take part in these concerts. He is a trustee of the Asra Hawariat School  in Addis Ababa, which he visits regularly, and strong links have been established with Sussex House.  He is an educational consultant to the Malcolm Arnold Academy, Northampton, a trustee of the Albert Schweitzer Institute, a Freeman of the City of London and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Bakers.