N. P. Kaye


M.A. Magdalene, Cambridge, Hon.F.C.O.T., F.R.S.A., F.R.G.S.

M. W. Back

Deputy Headmaster (Pastoral)

B.A., P.G.C.E. Sussex

T. K. J. Chan

Deputy Headmaster (Academic), Head of English

L.L.B Sydney, Grad, Dip.Ed. Wesley Institute, Sydney 

J. E. P. Cumaraswamy

Director of Examinations, Head of Computing

B.Eng. Manchester, P.G.C.E, Roehampton 

Mrs. A. E. D. Abbot

Director of Lower School

B.A. West of England

P. D. Jordaan

Director of Events, Head of Science

B.Ed. Pretoria, P.G.C.E. York M. Inst. P

T. H. Neal

Head of Classics

B. A. Magdalen, Oxford

Miss J. G. Doherty


B.A. Surrey, M.A. Open University, F.R.S.A.

G. A. Hulks

Head of History

B.A. Surrey, P.G.C.E. London

S. C. Mundy

Head of Sport

B.Eng. Manchester, P.G.C.E, Roehampton 

The Revd. Canon R. G. Rainford

Head of Religious Studies

B.Ed. Lancaster, C.Th. St. Stephen’s House, Oxford

Mrs. S. S. Dayman-Larbaoui

Head of French

B.A. Oxford Brookes

F. Higgins

Head of Art

M.A. Middlesex, P.G.C.E. Dundee, D.A. Duncan of Jordanstone

D. I. Becker

Head of Mathematics

B.A. Surrey, M.A. B.Sc., Dip Ed, New England, M.A., London South Bank

A. H. C. De Mel


B.Sc. East Anglia

S. P. McIntyre

B. A. Chichester

B.A. Oxford Brookes

A. J. Kirk

Head of Music

M.A. Middlesex, P.G.C.E. Dundee, D.A. Duncan of Jordanstone

Miss L. E. Riseborough


M.A., P.G.C.E. Exeter

E. J. S. Cooper Clarke

Head of Drama

B.A. Birmingham, M.A. University of the Arts

Mrs A. Cristache


B.Sc. King’s, London, B.A. Open University, P.G.C.E. St. Mary’s

Dr R. J. Quinlan

Science & Maths

B.Sc., Ph.D. King’s, London, P.G.C.E. Roehampton

Dr N. K. Rizopoulou


B.Sc., Ph.D. Imperial, London

ok so there are way too many people who work very hard but unfortunately im not one of them.
That's why we have these people too:

Mrs. R. A. Herbert B.A. Kingston (Registrar and Headmaster’s Secretary)
Miss E. M. Loudon (Director of Admissions)
Sergeant Khim Sherchan (School Marshal)
Mrs. C. R. D. Farrugia B.Sc. Manchester, (School Secretary)
Mrs. B. M. Coleridge Cole (School Secretary)
Mrs. S. E. Garton (Housekeeper)
Visiting Staff S. J. Poland B.A. Southampton, P.G.C.E. London (Classics)
A. Harwood-White A.R.C.M. Royal College of Music (Brass)
M. C. Warden B.A., A.B.S.M. Guildhall School of Music (Voice)
N. J. Webb G.T.C.L., Dip.R.A.M., A.R.A.M. Royal Academy of Music (Woodwind)
A. M. I. Kent B.Mus. Royal College of Music (Double Bass)
Mrs. K. B. Gawarzewska M.Mus, M.Perf. Guildhall School of Music (Piano)
Dr. A. R. A. Mavroudis M.Mus. L.R.A.M. Royal Academy of Music, Ph.D. Goldsmiths, London (Violin)
Miss E. Zucchini M.A. Basel (Guitar)
Miss S. M. Asquith L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.R.S.M. Royal College of Music (Voice)
S. Millett Dip. R.C.M., A.R.C.M. Royal College of Music (‘cello)
Miss P. Sosnina B.A., M.Sc. Magdalene, Cambridge Dip. A.B.R.S.M. (Organ)
Miss T. L. Brown (Art)
Mrs. E. S. L. Galpin B.A. Reading, M.A. University of the Arts (Art)
Miss C. M. O. Blood B. Eng. Bristol (Art)
Mrs. C. Spinelli-Higgins (Theatre)
Mrs. M. C. Tsiligkeridis M.A. Institute of Education, London, A.M.B.D.A.
A. S. Dunsby (Carpentry)
Miss K. Fu (Mandarin Chinese)
P. J. Morrish B.A. Portsmouth, P.G.C.E. London (Tennis/Games)
Miss K. Bailey (Games)
C. R. Sabater M.F.A.C.A., F.A.Dip. Psych. (Games/P.E.)
Miss A. L. Mills (Fencing)
L. V. Shah (Fencing)
P. Edwards (Games)
T. H. Hendrie (Games/Fencing)
J. Puskas (Games)
S. L. Scapin (Games)
M. R. Power (Swimming/Games)
R. Messara BSc London South Bank (Games)
D. P. L. Caderni (Games)
————————————————- The Revd. M. R. J. Neville B.A. Durham P.G.C.E. Cambridge (Chaplain)
Mrs. A. M. Bennett B.Sc. Southampton, A.C.A. (Bursar)
W. J. Wilkins (Clerk of Works)

Mrs. R. A. Herbert

Registrar, Headmaster's Secretary

B.A Kingston

Miss E. M. Loudon

Director of Admissions

Mrs. B. M. Coleridge Cole

School Secretary

Sergeant Khin Sherchan

School Marshal

Mrs C. R. D. Farrugia

School Secretary

B.Sc. Manchester

Mrs. S. E. Garton


the title

Visiting Staff

S. J. Poland


B.A. Southhampton, P.G.C.E London

A. Harwood-White


A.R.C.M. Royal College of Music

M. C. Warden


B.A., A.B.S.M. Guildhall School of Music

N. J. Webb


G.T.C.L., Dip.R.A.M., A.R.A.M. Royal Academy of Music

A. M. I. Kent

Double Bass

B. Mus. Royal College of Music

Mrs. K. B. Gawarzewska

Very amazing Piano teacher

M.Mus, M.Perf. Guildhall School of Music

A. J. Kirk

Head of Music

M.A. Middlesex, P.G.C.E. Dundee, D.A. Duncan of Jordanstone

Miss L. E. Riseborough


M.A., P.G.C.E. Exeter

E. J. S. Cooper Clarke

Head of Drama

B.A. Birmingham, M.A. University of the Arts

Mrs A. Cristache


B.Sc. King’s, London, B.A. Open University, P.G.C.E. St. Mary’s

Dr R. J. Quinlan

Science & Maths

B.Sc., Ph.D. King’s, London, P.G.C.E. Roehampton

Dr N. K. Rizopoulou


B.Sc., Ph.D. Imperial, London