defying the norms

Learning Everyday

The Sussex House year is comprised of many high-profile events. We spread these events across our academic year, divided into 3 terms: Michaelmas, Lent and Summer.

The School Day

Each day is carefully planned for a perfect balance of stress, education, and co-curricular enrichment.

Time Lesson
08:40 Registration
08:45 Assembly
09:02 The time Ahnaf arrives
09:05 Prelude
09:30 Lesson 1
10:05 Lesson 2
10:45 Break
11:05 Lesson 3
11:45 Lesson 4
12:25 Leson 5
13:00 Lunch
13:25 Games/Activities
14:10 Lesson 6
14:45 Lesson 7
15:25 Lesson 8
16:00 End of School 

Spiritual Life

The spiritual life of the school is an important, enriching element. All boys study Religious Education, attend Assemblies which include prayers, and a church service on Friday morning at nearby St. Simon Zelotes Church. The religious ethos of the school is Anglican, but boys of all denominations and religions are welcomed. Visiting speakers give talks at a series of lunchtime meetings.

Activites Committee

The Activities Committee consists of various parents and members of staff who organise an annual Christmas Party and Fair and a Summer Auction, both of which support the Arts and Sports Fund (which helps finance a wide range of extra-curricular activity) and other special projects. Parents who are interested in joining the Committee or assisting with their events are invited to meet the Head of Committee.

Old Cadogans

The family atmosphere of the school is enhanced by the fact that many old boys keep in close touch. Old Cadogans are invited to regular reunions and receive a copy of The Cadogan magazine for five years after leaving.

A number of Old Cadogans have distinguished themselves in the Arts. 

Writers include: 

Mark Burnell, 
Aubrey de Grey, 
Dean Godson, 
Jason Goodwin, 
Tarquin Hall, 
Richard Mason, 
Dominic Maxwell, 
S.F. Said, 
Edward St. Aubin, 
David Szalay. 

Actors and Theatre/Film Directors include: 

Jasper Britton, 
Daniel Brittain-Catlin, 
Christopher Colley, 
Rowan Joffé, 
Daniel Radcliffe, 
Matthew Vaughn, 
Jay Villiers, 
Christopher Villiers. 

Sportsmen include fencers who have made Senior British World Championship Teams and Commonwealth Teams:

Harry Lancaster, 
Khaled Beydoun, 
Paul Walsh,
David Mansour.

Term Date
Michaelmas 1 Students return on Wednesday, 8th September 2021
Half-term Holiday Monday, 18th October - Tuesday, 26th October
Michaelmas 2 Students return on Wednesday, 27th October
Holiday Monday, 20th December - Tuesday, 11th January 2021
Lent 1 Students return on Wednesday, 12th January 2022
Half-term Holiday Monday, 14th February - Friday, 19th February 2022
Lent 2 Students return on Monday, 21st January 2022
Holiday Thursday, 14th March - Tuesday, 19th April 2022
Summer 1 Students return on Wednesday, 20th April 2022
Half-term Holiday Monday, 30th May - Friday, 4th June 2022
Summer 2 Students return on Monday, 7th June 2022
Holiday Commences on Thursday, 7th July 2022


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