Activities @ Sussex House

A rich and diverse range of Activities is on offer at Sussex House. There is an Activities period after lunch three times a week and some activities take place before or after school.

Activities and Clubs at Sussex House

  • Architecture Club
  • Architectural Modeling
  • Board Game Club
  • Brass Ensemble
  • Bridge and Card Games Club
  • Carpentry 
  • Chamber Choir
  • Chess
  • Choir
  • Concert Band
  • Disussion Groups (Senior and Junior)
  • Drama Club
  • Fencing
  • Games Workshop
  • Golf
  • ICT Club
  • Indoor Cricket
  • Indoor Football
  • Indoor Hockey
  • Jazz Ensemble
  • Library
  • Logic Club
  • Mandarin Club
  • Mathematical Games Club
  • Oil Painting Club
  • Orchestra
  • Pottery Club
  • Religious Talks
  • Saturday Football Club
  • String Ensemble
  • Tapestry     
  • Technical Lego
  • Tennis 
  • Wind Ensemble