
It may be imagined that a school situated in Cadogan Square is limited in its sporting opportunities. However, ten years ago, a vibrant new sports programme was initiated which involves 14 specialist coaches teaching sport. The principal sports are Football in the Michaelmas and Lent terms and Cricket in the Summer and Fencing throughout the year. There is a full fixture list for teams in all age groups, involving, in a typical term, over 90 matches against other schools. 


Due to the increasing popularity of Cricket at Sussex House, we now host an annual Prep Schools Indoor Cricket Tournament at Lords and there is also an annual cricket tour to Norfolk.


Full use is made of the pitches at Battersea Park, including the all-weather pitch which saves us from having to cancel games in poor weather. Optional Football sessions occur after school on Mondays (attended by nearly half of the school) and on Saturday mornings.


Many major events take place in the academic year:

Students run 3 or 4 kilometres in the Lower and Upper School respectively. 

Swimming Gala
Various challenges during the Swimmer Gala, inckuding the famed Poseidon Challenege where students swim underwater for as long as possible.

Sports Day
Students particiapte in long-jump challenges, and are able to compete in 1-800m sprint and relay races.


Sussex House is renowned for its Fencing achievements and the school has produced more national champions than any other school in Britain over the past 25 years. Fencing is open to all age groups. Numerous old boys have gone on to represent Great Britain at the highest international levels. Sussex House Fencing Club operates to accommodate old boys and talented fencers from the local community.